Motocaddy Trolley Serial Number Checker

Enter your full Motocaddy serial number into the serial number checker below to find out the year of your trolley.

Frequently Asked Questions

What year is my Motocaddy trolley?

The year your Motocaddy trolley was manufactured can be determined from the serial number. Look for the first two digits in a row in the serial number. this is 4-7 digits in depending on the model and year. For example:

- If the serial number contains "19," the trolley was made in 2019. - If the serial number contains "22," the trolley was made in 2022.

To decode your serial number more precisely, refer to the product guide or use the online serial number checker available on Motocaddy’s website.

How to find my Motocaddy serial number?

The serial number of your Motocaddy trolley is located on the underside of the trolley - near or on top of the motor in some models - or the underside of the battery tray in other models. If you're having issues finding your serial number, please contact us via live chat with your model and we'll assit in locating the serial number. You can also find the serial number on the original packaging your trolley came in.

This number is essential for warranty registration and servicing, so keep it handy.

Examples of a Motocaddy serial number, and where it is found on the trolley, showing clear details for reference

Examples of how your Motocaddy serial number will look on your trolley.